Foreword 1
Table of contents ……………………3
Key findings ……………………5
Key actions by
government in the next ten years ……………………5
Introduction ……………………7
Rationale for CSP ……………………7
The purpose of the
roadmap…………………… 8
Roadmap process,
content and structure ……………………8
CSP status today ……………………9
The importance of
the solar resource…………………… 9
technologies for power production ……………………11
Enhancing the
value of CSP capacities…………………… 13
Grid integration
of CSP plants…………………… 16
Plant cooling and
water requirements ……………………17
CSP for niche
markets ……………………17
Vision of future
deployment ……………………19
Existing scenarios
and proposals ……………………19
CSP deployment ……………………19
The vital role of
transmission ……………………20
Deployment till
2020: intermediate and peak loads ……………………21
Deployment till
2030: base loads and CO2 reductions…………………… 22
Deployment beyond
2030: power and fuels…………………… 23
Economic perspectives
Operation and
maintenance costs……………………